Monday, May 31, 2010

Don’t call it a comeback

I have been here for years.

Yes after far to long I have gotten back on the blog.

So what has been going on?

To be honest not a lot.

I managed to do one short course tri (the same one I have done for the past 4 years) but that is it. I do not have my times handy but I was only slightly slower than last year. Funny, as I am the unfittest I have been for a while, it was the first race I felt that I raced to my full capacity.

Do you need to be unfit to race smart? I am starting to think it works for me.

On the plus side being unfit might not be so bad

- Every session you do it feels like a good work out
- No need for compression gear. All your old clothes are as tight as compression clothes…
- You are never lonely. Every time I have gone for a swim the lifeguards have stayed really close to me

During my blog sabbatical I also managed to go to South Africa and meet some in-laws (my wife is South African). What an interesting and great place – plus we landed just as the SA iron man was on

Talk about a sign



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