Friday, November 30, 2007

Sorry Lance

Exercise: Nothing at all, just waiting for the backside to heal

I finally have myself a bike.

An Avanti Monza road bike – and it looks pretty s hot!

It is sitting at work begging to be taken out for a ride. The only problem is that my ass muscle is still too sore. Luckily my wife is an acupuncturist and has been helping me out. The other day I was in a fair bit of pain and J offered to give me a treatment. After the treatment I felt significantly better, so much so that I felt the need to rave about it to my team

Let me set this up by saying I have a very informal relationship with my team (there are plenty of times I think I am just a little bit to David Brent)

“My bum feels a lot better today it must have been from last night when J put some needles into it”

When I took a closer look at my staff, who had horrified looks on their faces, it dawned on me

Bum Cheek. Bum Cheek. Bum and Cheek, do not just say bum without the cheek

On the weekend I am going lycra shopping. Should be interesting….




Anonymous said...

Just glance through some of your posts. Nice effort.

SoccerNet Live

Anonymous said...


Now i have a bike the posts could take on a different tack